ISB trusting in quality products from VS since 2004

As an internationally active furniture manufacturer, VS Vereinigte Spezialmöbelfabriken now has its products furnishing educational institutions and offices all over the world. With the “International School Bangkok” VS has for some years now counted a quite unique educational establishment as one of its regular customers: its good reputation is renowned far beyond the borders of Thailand.
VS Vereinigte Spezialmöbelfabriken is a successful company that is increasingly extending its international alignment. VS products can thus be found all over the world.
One of its special customers is certainly the “International School Bangkok” (ISB for short). Since 1951 this school has been educating English-speaking students living in Bangkok from more than 60 different countries.

The 15-hectare ultra-modern campus is situated 20 km north of Bangkok, in the suburb of Pak Kret. It houses separately an elementary school, a middle school and a high school. The school buildings offer everything contemporary teaching needs. As well as the regular teaching rooms, the campus features two theatres, music, dance and acting rooms, libraries, tennis courts, a water-sports centre, rugby, baseball and soccer fields, fitness rooms, sports halls, sports grounds and a running track. At present, around 1800 students are taught by 220 international teachers to high-school graduation level at the ISB.

Since 2004 the ISB has been trusting in the quality, functionality and design of VS furniture tried and tested in everyday school applications. Every year VS supplies products to Bangkok: from classic school furniture such as desks and chairs for the classroom and furniture for canteens through to complete wall units for libraries.
Click HERE to access the website of the International School Bangkok.
Click HERE to find out more about the integrated VS furnishing solutions for the school living environment.