The base furniture for the modern school

The latest furniture range from VS Vereinigte Spezialmöbelfabriken was presented to trade professionals for the first time at didacta 2014. The visitors were thrilled by what they saw: with the Shift+ school-furniture series VS more than satisfies the requirements of modern teaching and learning methods in the 21st century. The elegant table, storage and seat elements convince with the ultimate levels of multifunctionality, mobility and ergonomics. Learning environments can be fashioned to individual tastes with Shift+.
A differentiated range of methodology in everyday teaching in the 21st century places new demands on the school as living environment. The conventional classroom is being superseded. Variable learning environments are called for which can perform a huge variety of functions at short notice and can support the new regular scheduling of the school day. The demand-oriented school furniture required for this purpose should afford both teachers and students all the freedom and scope called for by contemporary and above all sustained teaching.
To meet all these requirements of modern teaching, VS has developed together with the American architect David A. Stubbs II the new Shift+ school-furniture series. Shift+ enables any room situation to be changed at short notice and without any great effort. In this way the lightweight, mobile elements support the numerous different teaching forms of contemporary school methodology and a diverse use of rooms and facilities.

Shift+ consists of multifunctional table, storage and seat elements which, thanks to among others their organic styling, can always be combined with each other. All the elements share the common attributes of low weight and superb mobility. Individual modules are no longer tied down to one room, but instead can be freely moved around throughout the entire building. This makes it possible to easily put together countless configurations which are perfectly matched to the specific teaching or learning situation.
Shift+ Base
comprises all the table elements of the series. They are always equipped with castors and combinable with each other thanks to convex or concave curves: stackable student tables, group tables with folding or fixed freeform table tops, half-round group tables which can be upgraded to mobile computer workstations, and a height-adjustable teacher’s table.Shift+ Landscape
is composed of storage and seat modules with which landscapes and differentiated zones within the learning environment can be easily and quickly created: linear or rounded seat modules in different seat heights, linear or rounded storage modules in two different heights with connection magnets, and a lockable teacher’s storage module.
The freedom to create individual learning environments without any fuss is now a reality with the variable and highly functional Shift+ modules.
If you want to find out more about Shift+, please read on HERE.