Cleaning and maintaining
white enamel steel boards.

Note on COVID-19: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers detailed cleaning and disinfecting guidance depending on how often surfaces are touched. To learn more about their latest recommendations, please visit
General information: If enamel steel surfaces are subject to normal use and if pens specifically intended for whiteboards are used, for example the VS model 06966: board markers, then it is sufficient to dry-wipe the boards, for example using VS model 06962: Eraser for white enamel steel with replaceable felt wipe (VS model 06963: Pack of 10 replaceable felt wipes). In addition, the surface should be cleaned at least once a week with a household or neutral cleaning agent and, for example, a microfibre cloth, and then be rinsed off with plenty of water. Aluminium frames should also be wiped dry after cleaning. The board must be dry before being written on again. Do not use any aggressive and/or abrasive cleaning materials. Hard lime scale deposits or stains can be removed using warm water with 10% citric acid or using a vinegar-based cleaner. Then wipe over with clean, warm water and dry.
If possible, remove any marks due to improper use of the board, for example with ball point pens, felt pens, flip chart pens or permanent markers, before they dry in. In the case of serious marking, the surface of the board can be cleaned with water mixed with detergent or, in exceptional cases, with white spirit. Extremely dirty areas should only be cleaned by specialist personnel. In such cases, you are advised to contact the VS Service department directly.
Important: Make sure that after any cleaning with cleaning agents, the entire surface of the board is thoroughly rinsed with clean water and then dried in order to eliminate any detergent residue and remove any barely visible film that may form. Residue of this type causes remnants of previous usages to appear the next time the board is used. Fingerprints also quickly leave an invisible film on the surface and this impairs the drying process. To remove these marks, it is usually sufficient to rinse the board with clean water.
Note on the VS VisuBoard: To prevent light being reflected from the projector, the centre area (projection area) simply has a "moderately reflective" surface, whereas the side parts (optional) have a "highly reflective" surface. This difference may mean that the cleaning requirements of the various areas differ and does not indicate any defect in the materials.