UN Global Compact

Acting responsibly.
VS is an active member of the UNGC (United Nations Global Compact). Over the years, a total of 8,700 businesses and organizations from all regions of the world have joined this network for principled business activities, brought to life in the year 2000 by the then General Secretary of the UN, Kofi Annan.
The aim of the Global Compact is to promote social standards in business by means of collaboration – so that business as a whole becomes part of the solution to the problems posed by globalization.
By voluntarily committing to the UN Global Compact we support their ten principles covering human rights, social standards, environment and climate protection and action that are anti-corruption.
We promote the principles, support their observance and implement them through practical action. In our annual progress report we outline the ways in which VS endeavors to represent the aims and principles of the Global Compact.
A central element in VS’s third progress report includes the many and diverse ways in which we are involved on-site in environment and climate protection. An important pillar is our long-term strategy for responsible energy management. Further investment is planned for the site in respect of using more wood waste in our own renewable energy production.
In addition, our declared aim is to reduce our electricity consumption and continue to increase energy efficiency. On the social front, VS has increased, in particular, its employment of people with disabilities. These employees now account for nearly ten per cent of the workforce, double the number prescribed by law. For further details please see our 2011 report.
For information on the UN Global Compact (UNGC) initiative: www.unglobalcompact.org
VS’s fifth progress report:
VS-COP 2014 (Communication on Progress / COP) (7.0 MB)